Thursday, June 14, 2012

No more jelly beans, please.

Jelly beans are covered in shellac (which is made from bug excretions).
Shellac makes things shiny, and shiny jelly beans are nice, so jelly beans are often coated in shellac. Shellac is also made from the excretions of the female lac insect. Mmmmmmm..... bug shellac.

Don't believe it?  Go to:

My internet peeve

I just hate it when I see a link to what looks like it is going to be an interesting article. The headline catches my eye but when the page opens - it is a video.

Now here in the country where there is no high speed internet and too many trees for satellite, we have dial-up. Opening videos with dial-up is a three day process.

Just as bad is subscribing to a business newsletter and when the emails come with the key to success, the link is to a video. Are these business gurus just too lazy to write an article?

What I need is an internet service that blocks all links to video pages from ever showing up in my email or browser window.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What Dennis knows about cole slaw

I know this.
Long John Silvers has great cole slaw. But - if you go to a LJS/Kentucky Fried Chicken combo restaurant, they give you KFC slaw which, though good, does not compare.

So I only go to LJS stores that are not coupled with KFC.

Now you know.